

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
JackDee said:
just back from the game, boys I tell you this was a very, very close save, or should I say very SLIM!

and the dante's prayers did work because it's but for these prayers that akratitos didn't get trashed today.

And, you know, not to blow my own horn here, but when someone has almost doubled their bankroll in their local league, with a couple of 10% bets, a few 6% ones, but mostly with 3.5, 3, 2.5% fixed percentage bets on the starting bankroll, in less than two months, and counting only posted plays, it's not very wise to not take their advice to not bet, or even actually to bet against them.

That said, because I am a softy, I can tell you that as soon as aek had scored that 2 goal and was actually winning half my bet, I prefered that it stayed this way, and you got your push and narrow escape, and me half my stake won.

Jack...I do not usually bet soccer. My long time friend here Slim posted it so I bet it ...I did not fade you or even read your plays until be honest,

I did not even know you until today so it was nothing personal against you and not a case of not taking your advise...good luck and nice job with your plays

New member
Sep 21, 2002
Dante, of course it's not personal man, I know that, and I know how you follow slims picks, that's why I d thought I d chime in to say I didn't consider this a good bet. I haven't taken this the wrong way

Slim, you are being a major dick now man, and had I known you for one I wouldnt mind, but I am not used to it.

The Great Dane
Nov 20, 2001
JackDee said:
And, you know, not to blow my own horn here, but when someone has almost doubled their bankroll in their local league, with a couple of 10% bets, a few 6% ones, but mostly with 3.5, 3, 2.5% fixed percentage bets on the starting bankroll, in less than two months, and counting only posted plays, it's not very wise to not take their advice to not bet, or even actually to bet against them.

Not to blow your own horn, eh..? :missingte

New member
Sep 21, 2002
I thought you 'd chime in to say that whenever slim post a play here he comes with a lot of attitude with regards to some people who post here as it happened last time around with you...

The Great Dane
Nov 20, 2001
JackDee said:
...whenever slim post a play here he comes with a lot of attitude with regards to some people who post here as it happened last time around with you...

With regards to Slim's Iran-pick I had a perfectly legitimate point, and you know it. The tone was sober as I always try to keep it. Whenever Slim posts a play? Give me another example, thanks.

As for your little "look at me, I've got some great short term results in the Greek league, so pitty the fool who opposes me"-rant, I can't stand it and had to comment on it. :pucking:
One of the things I like about this soccer forum is the absence of the self-promoting pricks you see in the other forums. Let's keep it that way, please.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
Man are you hard to get along with... The point I made was that you made a perfectly legit point the other time around that slim completely miscontrued with a his bad attitude.

Which is the case here too, because I very modestly chimed in with my expertise on betting this league when asked to by a another poster, after listening to slim's in depth analysis of "their last three games have been good, 2 goals are a lot in soccer etc. etc." I go to the fucking game, watch it up close, and come back here and read a comment "too bad we couldn't get that goal we were looking for" in a game where one team has been leading 2-0 from the 35th minute and they ve missed tons of chances to blow their opponents away, to which I of course have to reply what the objective reality was. And to that I add, in a very mild tone, that it's not very wise, you know, betting a team a few hundred thousand kilometres away from were you are, with non whatsoever knoledge of the particulars, when someone who's actually doing rather well betting that league not only suggests you don't bet it, but gives some pretty good reasons that you might not be aware of. In conclusion to my post I even add that once they got to the 2-0 I hoped it stayed this way so both of us wouldn't lose any money, to demonstrate that I am not saying any of these in a vindictive way.

And what do I get.

Dickhead no. 1, slim, coming in here for the first time to actually aknowledge that I have been saying some things about this game (because of course by looking at the league table and on the brilliant rationale of 2 goals being too much in soccer he's got this game capped from all possible angles and he doesn't need anyones advice...) and go all ironic on me, oh yes we are the morons, you are god, and all that shit which were completely uncalled for because nothing in my tone or what I said warranted this. Of course if he's got some kind of inferiority complex that's his bussiness, but I don't want that sore losing shit rubbed on MY face.

And then I get dickhead number 2, yourself, who instead of at least trying to tone this down a bit, like I did in a similar reaction of slim, when I explained to him that he had misunderstood what you were saying, so instead of doing that you no more no less come here to call me a "short term greek league winning self promoting prick who rants" and considers the others as "fools". So now I got two sore fucking losers who actually take it out on me. And, well you know man at least my short term results which amount to 130 or so picks are on the winning side, and on the winning side bigtime, wish I could say the same for your short term picks...

As I said at the beginning you are very hard to get along with, I knew this from time one since I ve been in this forum, but after a few years I thought you d somehow outgrown it, but it seems once you start losing you really can't contain yourself and you vent out in all the wrong ways...that's really sad.

Alright, tens minutes of my life gone for writing this post...shsss...

The Great Dane
Nov 20, 2001
JackDee said:
...The point I made was that you made a perfectly legit point the other time around that slim completely miscontrued with a his bad attitude...

I misunderstood you, sorry about that.

And then I get dickhead number 2, yourself...

Please refer to me as dickhead number 1 from now on - what have I done to deserve a meager second place? no more no less come here to call me a "short term greek league winning self promoting prick who rants" and considers the others as "fools".

I don't think your post could be interpreted in any other way.

...And, well you know man at least my short term results which amount to 130 or so picks are on the winning side, and on the winning side bigtime, wish I could say the same for your short term picks...

That's a low blow - even for you, Jack... Yes, I'm losing right now and no, I don't like it.

...but it seems once you start losing you really can't contain yourself and you vent out in all the wrong ways...that's really sad.

More classy stuff from a true class act.

You say I'm hard to get along with? Well, my Balkan friend, you're pretty much the only poster over the years who've had that problem. You, on the other hand, have alienated a bunch of people because of your pathetic, self-promoting, wanna-be-sharp attitude. Too bad all the newbies can't get back to read the pre-2004 archives so they could see what a sad mf'er you really are.

New member
Sep 21, 2002
"I misunderstood you, sorry about that."

apology accepted.

"Please refer to me as dickhead number 1 from now on - what have I done to deserve a meager second place?"

I appreciate you are taking this with humour.

"I don't think your post could be interpreted in any other way."

Ok thanks for the apology and but no thanks for sticking to the ""short term greek league winning self promoting prick who rants"", make up your fucking mind and don't go schizo on me.

"That's a low blow - even for you, Jack... Yes, I'm losing right now and no, I don't like it."

Yeah well when you come in here insulting me I will retort, wtf do you think I ll do, sit here and listen to you insult me? And unlike you whatever I got to say I say it upfront. I don't go "that low, even from you". And let me tell you something if you don't like losing and don't want it rubbed on your fucking face, it's not nice and I wouldn't do it to anyone I know how it feels I am a gambler, so if you don't want this rubbed on your face show some respect to someone who's turning a profit instead of trying to put them down with insults and especially smart ass comments such as "short term profits" (all peoples seasons in most sports are about 100-200 bets, what do you f. want a 3000 game sample), because you got it coming to you to hear of your "short term losses".

Ι said:
"..but it seems once you start losing you really can't contain yourself and you vent out in all the wrong ways...that's really sad."

and you reply:
"More classy stuff from a true class act."

And this is the part from whereon instead of being midly annoying, you become completely dellusional. What's classy then, your attitude of coming in here and calling me to your own admission, "short term greek league winning self promoting prick who rants", completely out of the blue, but back when things were rosy you ve been very civil...

"You say I'm hard to get along with? Well, my Balkan friend, you're pretty much the only poster over the years who've had that problem. You, on the other hand, have alienated a bunch of people because of your pathetic, self-promoting, wanna-be-sharp attitude."

Man, this bit had me in stitches, thanks for the balkan term, I love your always try to force in some sly irony in your sentences, I am actually very proud of my balkan, and greek heritage, you should be proud too, your people would probably been still chasing pigs with sticks hadn't it been for the greeks. As for the people I have alienated, this is particular was the funniest bit, because of its delusional quality, where should I start the fact that I ve not even posted here for more than a year, the fact that both of the times while I was posting the forum had the most people posting, not due to myself obviously. As for the self promoting, I thing you should start trailing some of my plays your losses are affecting your eyesight, I have one thread I only post at, what's the self promotion in that? And what the fuck is that about wanna be sharp and all, where d you get all that man? Do I come here and portray I am some sort of betting guru, in your mind it seems I do... Last time around I remember a post of mine it was me saying to some people who hadn't posted here, don't be shy go ahead and post, don't feel you can post if you can contribute something, come here and post the stupidest thing you want, I do all the time. It would be pathetic to actually search this and link it, but you can find it your self, so much for the self promotion. But of course it's getting hard in there to separate mind from reality for you...

"Too bad all the newbies can't get back to read the pre-2004 archives so they could see what a sad mf'er you really are."

The forum got hit a by a hacker attack as well as the whole of the rx, and most of our threads here were sorely missed, especially from myself who was one of those that asked for and originated this soccer forum. It's really sad by your part that you are claiming something unveriviable as a means to attack me, and no less reverting to more than three years ago, but oh wait it's not unverifiable now is it?
Because that's a greek picks thread I got from September 2003 and guess what I am way on top on this one as well?!?!?!. Younger (oh wish it were now...), more immature, but still on top and turning a very good indeed profit before I got bored and stopped it.

And as a treat for you buddy here's my euro portugal thread where I am really proud of with my 20something yield and 50% on the bankroll before I left for portugal.

Don't know what actually drives me to reply to you, because like I said there go 15 more minutes of my life in a very tight schedule, but on second thoughs, I know why I reply, it's a sense of disbielief at your delusional posts, made all the more pronouced since they start with an apology and end up with a "sad m'fucker"!?!?!!

New member
Jan 1, 2001
LOL. Dude I got nothing against either one of you or Dante. I dont mind anyone coming in and saying they dont agree with a pic and then giving there reasons for it. Im sure your knowledge of Greek soccer is 1000 times better than mine but I dont like the attitude that comes with the post, even after the game is over and the thing pushed. No need to be bashing each other at all and no, im not trying to be a dick.

like i said, i think about it twice before i post anything, imagine how a rookie feels *unless he is a madcapper ghost*.

lets stop the bad blood now, Ill see more of you guys when the world cup comes around.

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